The Ski-Mojo Ltd (Ski Mojo) website is operated on behalf of Ski-Mojo Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales, registration number 12796099. The address of its registered office is Faygate Cottage, Wimlands Lane, Faygate, Horsham West Sussex RH12 4SP.

The material contained on the website is provided for general purposes only. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and the material contained on the website.

Statements concerning performance, technical specifications, operational usage, or business-related information, appearing anywhere on the website, do not form part of any contract between Ski-Mojo Ltd and its customers, stakeholders, or users of its equipment.

Although we endeavour to ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date, users of the website should seek appropriate advice before proceeding on the basis of any of the information.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we accept no responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained in this website or other websites, which may be linked to our web site from time to time. You agree that we are excluded from all liability of any kind arising from such third party content or information.

Should you have any questions about the services we offer, or if you have a general enquiry, or would like to provide some feedback, please click on the ‘Buy’ link at the top of the home page or email us at:

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The contents of these pages are © Copyright Ski-Mojo Ltd or its licensors. Reproduction or use of this content (in part or whole) is only permitted in accordance with the licensed terms below.

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In any event the copying of any article or content is only permitted if it is copied in full with no amendment or editing. Translation is permitted on the basis that you take full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation.

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The supply of any copy to a third-party is permitted for their personal use provided that:

  • it is acknowledged that the Ski Mojo website is the source of the material including the Ski Mojo web address in the copy of the material; the third-party is informed that these licence conditions apply to him and he must comply with them;
  • it is not supplied as part of another work or publication;
  • and it is not supplied directly in return for commercial gain.Users may not otherwise download or copy, store in any medium (including any other website), distribute, transmit, re-transmit, modify or show in public any part of the Ski Mojo website without the prior written consent of Ski-Mojo Ltd.

Any requests to reproduce materials outside the scope of this licence should be addressed to Ski-Mojo Ltd, Faygate Cottage, Wimlands Lane, Faygate, Horsham West Sussex RH12 4SP. or email